Teacher Reasource for A Home in the Wilderness
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The Teacher Resource for A Home in the Wilderness is designed to accompany the historical adventure novel A Home in the Wilderness. It teaches 11-13-year-old students higher order thinking skills as they learn to analyze literature and historical documents. They will learn about 17th century colonial American, North American Eastern Woodland tribes, and the relationships between these various groups of people through discussion questions, supplementary primary and secondary source readings, engaging cross-curricular activities, and projects.
The Teacher Resource for A Home in the Wilderness explores the complex relationships between various Native American tribes and Dutch, English, and French settlers during the early colonial period. Developed by author and long-time social studies teacher, Amanda M. Cetas, in partnership with writer, story consultant, and former English teacher, Adriana R. King, this invaluable resource provides ready-made lessons tied to National Standards to develop critical thinking skills essential for preparing students for college and future careers.
Students will learn to evaluate primary and secondary source texts, examine an event or circumstance from various perspectives, determine point-of-view, develop habits of the mind, and critical thinking skills through engaging activities, projects, and simulations. Additional ideas for teachers and grading rubrics are also included.
Information on the novel, A Home in the Wilderness
Gold Metal for Children's Diversity & Multicultural
2nd place Middle Grade Fiction & Young Adult Fiction (2023)
Children's Book Winner (4th qtr); 1st place Children's Juvenile & Pre-Teen Fiction (4th qtr)
In book two, A Home in the Wilderness, a true story, twelve-year-old Etienne and his family try to survive in the 1663 untamed wilderness of Manhattan. They face conflicts with the Esopus tribe, divided loyalties, and danger to family and Lenape friends.